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But I see there is n connection between studio and controller.

If you try to change controller IP-address, while it is in another subnet (red brick in studio), it will be unsuccessful.

To establish connection correct, do following steps, please:

  1. Change the IP-address on the PC so that it is on the same network with the controller. Save changes.
  2. Connection with the controller will be established (green checkmark)
  3. Change the controller IP-address to the one you intend to use and save the data. Save changes.
  4. Connection with the controller will be lost (red brick)
  5. Return the PC to the old IP-address. 
  6. Connection with the controller will be established again (green checkmark)

To reset the network settings while the power is on, close the IPRST jumper pins and wait until the Link and Activity LEDs on the Ethernet connector are off. After that, the jumper must be opened

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