Select the operating mode of the terminal "In/Outt button + group code + palm or card". It can be configured either through the Biosmart-Studio software (Properties - System - Authentication mode), or on the terminal itself (Menu - Settings - System - Operation Mode). Save changes.

To set a pin code, open the Employees section, select an employee and open his Employee Properties, go to the PIN Code tab and enter the code corresponding to the subdivision. Save changes.

Perform similar settings for the second terminal. There will be a different access code, in accordance with the access group, and, accordingly, the employee's pin code.

The ENTER R and EXIT R buttons are used by the employees who work in this subdivision. An employee who is listed in this subdivision, after pressing the ENTER R/EXIT R button, must be identified by a card or palm.

If the employee is a part-time employee.
A part-time worker can be within the same subdivision.
The procedure for him is the same: press the ENTER R/EXIT R button, identify by palm or card. Then, a list of this employee positions will appear on the terminal display. Use the up/down buttons (2 and 8 respectively) to select the required position, press Enter.

The ENTER R and EXIT R buttons are used by employees who are listed in another subdivision, but come to this subdivision for a replacement/on a business trip, for example. After pressing the ENTER R/EXIT R buttons, you need to enter the group code of the subdivision in which the employee is listed, and not to which he came. Next, you need to go through identification by palm or card.