-- **************************************************************************** IEC-62439-3-MIB DEFINITIONS::= BEGIN -- **************************************************************************** -- Imports -- **************************************************************************** IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Counter32, TimeTicks, Integer32, Unsigned32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI OBJECT-GROUP, MODULE-COMPLIANCE FROM SNMPv2-CONF TruthValue, RowStatus, MacAddress, DisplayString, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC; -- **************************************************************************** -- Root OID -- **************************************************************************** iec62439 MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201405220000Z" -- 2014, May 22 ORGANIZATION "IEC/SC 65C" CONTACT-INFO " International Electrotechnical Commission IEC Central Office 3, rue de Varembe P.O. Box 131 CH – 1211 GENEVA 20 Switzerland Phone: +41 22 919 02 11 Fax: +41 22 919 03 00 email: info@iec.ch " DESCRIPTION " This MIB module defines the Network Management interfaces for the redundancy protocols defined by the IEC 62439 suite. This MIB exposes the IEC62439-3 objects (PRP + HSR) " REVISION "201405220000Z" -- 2014, May 22 DESCRIPTION " added reference to ptp MIB and lreDupListResideMaxTime and type SecondFraction " REVISION "201202170000Z" -- February 17, 2012 DESCRIPTION " Consistency brought into line to mrp, crp, brp MIBs " REVISION "201108260000Z" -- August 26, 2011 DESCRIPTION " This MIB is aligned with the changes to PRP and HSR as defined in the Amendment to IEC 62439-3 " REVISION "200811100000Z" -- November 10, 2008 DESCRIPTION " Separation of IEC 62439 into a suite of documents. This MIB applies to IEC 62439-3, added HSR functionality " REVISION "200612160000Z" -- December 16, 2006 DESCRIPTION " Initial version of the Network Management interface for the Parallel Redundancy Protocol " ::= {iso std(0) 62439 } -- **************************************************************************** -- Redundancy Protocols -- **************************************************************************** mrp OBJECT IDENTIFIER::= { iec62439 1 } prp OBJECT IDENTIFIER::= { iec62439 2 } crp OBJECT IDENTIFIER::= { iec62439 3 } brp OBJECT IDENTIFIER::= { iec62439 4 } drp OBJECT IDENTIFIER::= { iec62439 5 } rrp OBJECT IDENTIFIER::= { iec62439 6 } ptp OBJECT IDENTIFIER::= { iec62439 7 } -- **************************************************************************** -- Textual conventions -- **************************************************************************** SecondFraction::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT"d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "time interval expressed in multiple of 2**-16 = 15,7 microseconds this corresponds to the fraction of seconds in the NTP time representation the minimum time is 0 microseconds, the maximum 18 hours " REFERENCE "IEC 62439-3" SYNTAX Integer32 -- **************************************************************************** -- Objects of the PRP Network Management -- **************************************************************************** linkRedundancyEntityNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER::= { prp 20 } linkRedundancyEntityObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER::= { prp 21 } linkRedundancyEntityConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER::= { prp 22 } -- *************************************************************************** lreConfiguration OBJECT IDENTIFIER::= { linkRedundancyEntityObjects 0 } lreStatistics OBJECT IDENTIFIER::= { linkRedundancyEntityObjects 1 } lreConfigurationGeneralGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER::= { lreConfiguration 0 } lreConfigurationInterfaceGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER::= { lreConfiguration 1 } lreStatisticsInterfaceGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER::= { lreStatistics 1 } -- **************************************************************************** -- Objects for lreConfigurationGeneralGroup -- **************************************************************************** lreManufacturerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "specifies the name of the LRE device manufacturer" ::= { lreConfigurationGeneralGroup 1 } lreInterfaceCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "total number of LREs present in this system." ::= { lreConfigurationGeneralGroup 2 } -- **************************************************************************** -- Objects for lreConfigurationInterfacesGroup -- **************************************************************************** lreConfigurationInterfaces OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lreConfigurationInterfaceGroup 0 } -- ************************************* -- ***Begin LRE InterfacesConfigTable*** -- ************************************* lreInterfaceConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF LREInterfaceConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " list of PRP/HSR LREs. Each entry corresponds to one PRP/HSR Link Redundancy Entity (LRE), each representing a pair of LAN ports A and B. Basic devices supporting PRP/HSR may have only one LRE and thus one entry in the table, while more complex devices may have several entries for multiple LREs. " ::= { lreConfigurationInterfaces 1 } lreInterfaceConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LREInterfaceConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " each entry contains management information applicable to a particular LRE. " INDEX { lreInterfaceConfigIndex } ::= { lreInterfaceConfigTable 1 } LREInterfaceConfigEntry::= SEQUENCE { lreInterfaceConfigIndex Unsigned32, lreRowStatus RowStatus, lreNodeType INTEGER, lreNodeName DisplayString, lreVersionName OCTET STRING, lreMacAddress MacAddress, lrePortAdminStateA INTEGER, lrePortAdminStateB INTEGER, lreLinkStatusA INTEGER, lreLinkStatusB INTEGER, lreDuplicateDiscard INTEGER, lreTransparentReception INTEGER, lreHsrLREMode INTEGER, lreSwitchingEndNode INTEGER, lreRedBoxIdentity INTEGER, lreEvaluateSupervision TruthValue, lreNodesTableClear INTEGER, lreProxyNodeTableClear INTEGER, lreDupListResideMaxTime SecondFraction } lreInterfaceConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value for each LRE." ::= { lreInterfaceConfigEntry 1 } lreRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "indicates the status of the LRE table entry" ::= { lreInterfaceConfigEntry 2 } lreNodeType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { prpmode1 (1), hsr (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " specifies the operation mode of the LRE: PRP mode 1 (1) HSR mode (2) Note: PRP mode 0 is considered deprecated and is not supported by this revision of the MIB " ::= { lreInterfaceConfigEntry 3 } lreNodeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "specifies this LRE's node name" ::= { lreInterfaceConfigEntry 4 } lreVersionName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "specifies the version of this LRE's software" ::= { lreInterfaceConfigEntry 5 } lreMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Specifies the MAC address to be used by this LRE. MAC addresses are identical for all ports of a single LRE " ::= { lreInterfaceConfigEntry 6 } lrePortAdminStateA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notActive (1), active (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Specifies whether the port A shall be active or not Active through administrative action (Default: active). " ::= { lreInterfaceConfigEntry 7 } lrePortAdminStateB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notActive (1), active (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Specifies whether the port B shall be active or not Active through administrative action (Default: active). " ::= { lreInterfaceConfigEntry 8 } lreLinkStatusA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up (1), down (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "shows the actual link status of the LRE's port A" ::= { lreInterfaceConfigEntry 9 } lreLinkStatusB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up (1), down (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "shows the actual link status of the LRE's port B" ::= { lreInterfaceConfigEntry 10 } lreDuplicateDiscard OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { doNotDiscard (1), discard (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " specifies whether a duplicate discard algorithm is used at reception (Default: discard). " ::= { lreInterfaceConfigEntry 11 } lreTransparentReception OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { removeRCT (1), passRCT (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " if removeRCT is configured, the RCT is removed when forwarding to the upper layers, only applicable for PRP LRE (Default: removeRCT). " ::= { lreInterfaceConfigEntry 12 } lreHsrLREMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { modeh (1), moden (2), modet (3), modeu (4), modem (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This enumeration is only applicable if the LRE is an HSR bridging node or RedBox. It shows the mode of the HSR LRE: (1) Default mode: The HSR LRE is in mode h and bridges tagged HSR traffic (2) Optional mode: The HSR LRE is in mode n and bridging between its HSR ports Is disabled. Traffic is HSR tagged. (3) Optional mode: The HSR LRE is in mode t and bridges non-tagged HSR traffic between its HSR ports (4) Optional mode: The HSR LRE is in mode u and behaves like in mode h, except it does not remove unicast messages (5) Optional mode: The HSR LRE is configured in mixed mode. HSR frames are handled according to mode h. Non-HSR frames are handled according to 802.1D bridging rules. " ::= { lreInterfaceConfigEntry 13} lreSwitchingEndNode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nonbridgingnode(1), bridgingunspecified(2), prpnode(3), hsrredboxsan(4), hsrnode(5), hsrredboxhsr(6), hsrredboxprpa(7), hsrredboxprpb(8) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This enumeration shows which feature is enabled in this particular LRE: (1): an unspecified non-bridging node, e.g. SRP. (2): an unspecified bridging node, e.g. RSTP. (3): a PRP node/RedBox. (4): an HSR RedBox with regular Ethernet traffic on its interlink. (5): an HSR switching node. (6): an HSR RedBox with HSR tagged traffic on its interlink. (7): an HSR RedBox with PRP traffic for LAN A on its interlink. (8): an HSR RedBox with PRP traffic for LAN B on its interlink. " ::= { lreInterfaceConfigEntry 14 } lreRedBoxIdentity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { id1a (2), id1b (3), id2a (4), id2b (5), id3a (6), id3b (7), id4a (8), id4b (9), id5a (10), id5b (11), id6a (12), id6b (13), id7a (14), id7b (15) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Applicable to RedBox HSR-PRP A and RedBox HSR-PRP B. One ID is used by one pair of RedBoxes (one configured to A and one configured to B) coupling an HSR ring to a PRP network. The integer value states the value of the path field a RedBox inserts into each frame it receives from its interlink and injects into the HSR ring. When interpreted as binary values, the LSB denotes the configuration of the RedBox (A or B), and the following 3 bits denote the identifier of a RedBox pair. " ::= {lreInterfaceConfigEntry 15} lreEvaluateSupervision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " True if the LRE evaluates received supervision frames. False if it drops the supervision frames without evaluating. Note: LREs are required to send supervision frames, but reception is optional. Default value is dependent on implementation. " ::= { lreInterfaceConfigEntry 16} lreNodesTableClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noOp (0), clearNodeTable (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "specifies that the Node Table is to be cleared" ::= { lreInterfaceConfigEntry 17} lreProxyNodeTableClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noOp (0), clearProxyNodeTable (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "specifies that the Proxy Node Table is to be cleared" ::= { lreInterfaceConfigEntry 18} lreDupListResideMaxTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SecondFraction UNITS "binaryFractionOfSecond" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the longest time an entry may reside in the duplicates list, expressed as the number of seconds multiplied by 65536; the default value is 26214 x 15 us, or 400 ms; too low a value can cause broadcast storms" DEFVAL {26214} ::= { lreInterfaceConfigEntry 19} -- ************************************* -- *** End lreInterfaceConfigTable *** -- ************************************* -- **************************************************************************** -- Objects for lreStatisticsInterfacesGroup -- **************************************************************************** lreStatisticsInterfaces OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lreStatisticsInterfaceGroup 0 } -- ************************************* -- ***Begin LRE InterfacesStatsTable *** -- ************************************* lreInterfaceStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF LREInterfaceStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " list of PRP/HSR LREs. Each entry corresponds to one PRP/HSR Link Redundancy Entity (LRE), each representing a pair of LAN ports A and B and a port C towards the application/interlink. Basic devices supporting PRP/HSR may have only one LRE and thus one entry in the table, while more complex devices may have several entries for multiple LREs. " ::= { lreStatisticsInterfaces 1 } lreInterfaceStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LREInterfaceStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " An entry containing management information applicable to a particular LRE. " INDEX { lreInterfaceStatsIndex } ::= { lreInterfaceStatsTable 1 } LREInterfaceStatsEntry::= SEQUENCE { lreInterfaceStatsIndex Unsigned32, lreCntTxA Counter32, lreCntTxB Counter32, lreCntTxC Counter32, lreCntErrWrongLanA Counter32, lreCntErrWrongLanB Counter32, lreCntErrWrongLanC Counter32, lreCntRxA Counter32, lreCntRxB Counter32, lreCntRxC Counter32, lreCntErrorsA Counter32, lreCntErrorsB Counter32, lreCntErrorsC Counter32, lreCntNodes Integer32, lreCntProxyNodes Integer32, lreCntUniqueA Counter32, lreCntUniqueB Counter32, lreCntUniqueC Counter32, lreCntDuplicateA Counter32, lreCntDuplicateB Counter32, lreCntDuplicateC Counter32, lreCntMultiA Counter32, lreCntMultiB Counter32, lreCntMultiC Counter32, lreCntOwnRxA Counter32, lreCntOwnRxB Counter32 } lreInterfaceStatsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value for each LRE." ::= { lreInterfaceStatsEntry 1 } lreCntTxA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " number of frames sent over port A that are HSR tagged or fitted with a PRP Redundancy Control Trailer. Only frames that are HSR tagged or do have a PRP RCT are counted. A frame aborted during the transmission is not counted. Initial value = 0. " ::= { lreInterfaceStatsEntry 2 } lreCntTxB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " number of frames sent over port B that are HSR tagged or fitted with a PRP Redundancy Control Trailer. Only frames that are HSR tagged or do have a PRP RCT are counted. A frame aborted during the transmission is not counted. Initial value = 0. " ::= { lreInterfaceStatsEntry 3 } lreCntTxC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " number of frames sent towards the application interface of the DANP or DANH or over the interlink of the RedBox. Frames with and without PRP RCT or HSR tag are counted, but not link-local frames. A frame aborted during the transmission is not counted. Initial value = 0. " ::= { lreInterfaceStatsEntry 4 } lreCntErrWrongLanA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " number of frames with the wrong LAN identifier received on LRE port A. Initial value = 0. Only applicable to PRP ports. " ::= { lreInterfaceStatsEntry 5 } lreCntErrWrongLanB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " number of frames with the wrong LAN identifier received on LRE port B Initial value = 0. Only applicable to PRP ports. " ::= { lreInterfaceStatsEntry 6 } lreCntErrWrongLanC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " number of frames with the wrong LAN identifier received on the interlink of a RedBox. Only applicable to HSR RedBoxes in HSR-PRP configuration (hsrredboxprpa and hsrredboxprpb). " ::= { lreInterfaceStatsEntry 7 } lreCntRxA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " number of frames received on a LRE port A. Only frames that are HSR tagged or fitted with a PRP Redundancy Control Trailer are counted. Frames that are not forwarded anywhere (e.g. because the sender of the frame is in the proxy node table) are counted, too. Only frames received completely and without error are counted. Initial value = 0. " ::= { lreInterfaceStatsEntry 8 } lreCntRxB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " number of frames received on a LRE port B. Only frames that are HSR tagged or fitted with a PRP Redundancy Control Trailer are counted. Frames that are not forwarded anywhere (e.g. because the sender of the frame is in the proxy node table) are counted, too. Only frames received completely and without error are counted. Initial value = 0. " ::= { lreInterfaceStatsEntry 9 } lreCntRxC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " number of frames received from the application interface of a DANP or DANH or the number of number of frames received on the interlink of a RedBox. Frames with and without PRP RCT or HSR tag are counted, but not link-local frames. Only frames received completely and without error are counted. Initial value = 0. " ::= { lreInterfaceStatsEntry 10 } lreCntErrorsA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " number of frames with errors received on this LRE port A. Initial value = 0. " ::= { lreInterfaceStatsEntry 11 } lreCntErrorsB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " number of frames with errors received on this LRE port B. Initial value = 0. " ::= { lreInterfaceStatsEntry 12 } lreCntErrorsC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " number of frames with errors received on the application interface of a DANP or DANH or on the interlink of a RedBox. Initial value = 0. " ::= { lreInterfaceStatsEntry 13 } lreCntNodes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "number of nodes in the Nodes Table." ::= { lreInterfaceStatsEntry 14 } lreCntProxyNodes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " number of nodes in the Proxy Node Table. Only applicable to RedBox. Initial value = 0. " ::= { lreInterfaceStatsEntry 15 } lreCntUniqueA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " number of entries in the duplicate detection mechanism on port A for which no duplicate was received. Initial value = 0. " ::= { lreInterfaceStatsEntry 16 } lreCntUniqueB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " number of entries in the duplicate detection mechanism on port B for which no duplicate was received. Initial value = 0. " ::= { lreInterfaceStatsEntry 17 } lreCntUniqueC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " number of entries in the duplicate detection mechanism on the application interface of the DAN or the interlink of the RedBox for which no duplicate was received. Initial value = 0. " ::= { lreInterfaceStatsEntry 18 } lreCntDuplicateA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " number of entries in the duplicate detection mechanism on port A for which one single duplicate was received. Initial value = 0. " ::= { lreInterfaceStatsEntry 19 } lreCntDuplicateB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " number of entries in the duplicate detection mechanism on port B for which one single duplicate was received. Initial value = 0. " ::= { lreInterfaceStatsEntry 20 } lreCntDuplicateC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " number of entries in the duplicate detection mechanism on the application interface of the DAN or the interlink of the RedBox for which one single duplicate was received. Initial value = 0. " ::= { lreInterfaceStatsEntry 21 } lreCntMultiA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " number of entries in the duplicate detection mechanism on port A for which more than one duplicate was received. Initial value = 0. " ::= { lreInterfaceStatsEntry 22 } lreCntMultiB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " number of entries in the duplicate detection mechanism on port B for which more than one duplicate was received. Initial value = 0. " ::= { lreInterfaceStatsEntry 23 } lreCntMultiC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " number of entries in the duplicate detection mechanism on the application interface of the DAN or the interlink of the RedBox for which more than one duplicate was received. Initial value = 0. " ::= { lreInterfaceStatsEntry 24 } lreCntOwnRxA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " number of HSR tagged frames received on Port A that originated from this device. Frames originate from this device if the source MAC matches the MAC of the LRE, or if the source MAC appears in the proxy node table (if implemented). Applicable only to HSR. Initial value = 0. " ::= { lreInterfaceStatsEntry 25 } lreCntOwnRxB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " number of HSR tagged frames received on Port B that originated from this device. Frames originate from this device if the source MAC matches the MAC of the LRE, or if the source MAC appears in the proxy node table (if implemented). Applicable only to HSR. Initial value = 0. " ::= { lreInterfaceStatsEntry 26 } -- ************************************* -- *** End LRE InterfacesStatsTable *** -- ************************************* -- *************************** -- ***Begin LRE NodesTable *** -- *************************** lreNodesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF LRENodesEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The node table (if it exists on that node) contains information about all remote LRE, which advertised themselves through supervision frames " ::= { lreStatisticsInterfaces 2 } lreNodesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LRENodesEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Each entry in the node table (if it exists) contains information about a particular remote LRE registered in the node table, which advertised itself through supervision frames. " INDEX { lreInterfaceStatsIndex,lreNodesIndex } ::= { lreNodesTable 1 } LRENodesEntry::= SEQUENCE { lreNodesIndex Unsigned32, lreNodesMacAddress MacAddress, lreTimeLastSeenA TimeTicks, lreTimeLastSeenB TimeTicks, lreRemNodeType INTEGER } lreNodesIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique value for each node in the LRE's node table." ::= { lreNodesEntry 1 } lreNodesMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each MAC address corresponds to a single Doubly Attached Node" ::= { lreNodesEntry 2 } lreTimeLastSeenA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Time in TimeTicks (1/100s) since the last frame from this remote LRE was received over LAN A. Initialized with a value of 0 upon node registration in the node table. " ::= { lreNodesEntry 3 } lreTimeLastSeenB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Time in TimeTicks (1/100s) since the last frame from this remote LRE was received over LAN B. Initialized with a value of 0 upon node registration in the node table. " ::= { lreNodesEntry 4 } lreRemNodeType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { danp (0), redboxp (1), vdanp (2), danh (3), redboxh (4), vdanh (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DAN type, as indicated in the received supervision frame" ::= { lreNodesEntry 5 } -- *************************** -- *** End LRE NodesTable *** -- *************************** -- ********************************* -- *** Begin LRE ProxyNodeTable *** -- ********************************* lreProxyNodeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF LREProxyNodeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The proxy node table (if implemented) contains information about all nodes, for which the LRE acts as a connection to the HSR/PRP network. ::= { lreStatisticsInterfaces 3 } lreProxyNodeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LREProxyNodeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Each entry in the proxy node table contains information about a particular nodefor which the LRE acts as a connection to the HSR/PRP network. " INDEX { lreInterfaceStatsIndex,lreProxyNodeIndex } ::= { lreProxyNodeTable 1 } LREProxyNodeEntry::= SEQUENCE { lreProxyNodeIndex Unsigned32, lreProxyNodeMacAddress MacAddress } lreProxyNodeIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value for each node in the LRE's proxy node table." ::= { lreProxyNodeEntry 1 } lreProxyNodeMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Each entry contains information about a particular node for which the LRE acts as a proxy for the HSR/PRP network. " ::= { lreProxyNodeEntry 2 } -- ********************************* -- *** End LRE ProxyNodeTable *** -- ********************************* --===================================================================== -- Conformance Information --===================================================================== linkRedundancyConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER::= { linkRedundancyEntityConformance 1 } lreGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER::= { linkRedundancyConformance 1} lreDefaultGrp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { lreManufacturerName, lreInterfaceCount, lreRowStatus, lreNodeType, lreNodeName, lreVersionName, lreMacAddress, lrePortAdminStateA, lrePortAdminStateB, lreLinkStatusA, lreLinkStatusB, lreDuplicateDiscard, lreTransparentReception, lreHsrLREMode, lreSwitchingEndNode, lreRedBoxIdentity, lreEvaluateSupervision, lreNodesTableClear, lreProxyNodeTableClear, lreDupListResideMaxTime, lreCntTxA, lreCntTxB, lreCntTxC, lreCntErrWrongLanA, lreCntErrWrongLanB, lreCntErrWrongLanC, lreCntRxA, lreCntRxB, lreCntRxC, lreCntErrorsA, lreCntErrorsB, lreCntErrorsC, lreCntNodes, lreCntProxyNodes, lreCntUniqueA, lreCntUniqueB, lreCntUniqueC, lreCntDuplicateA, lreCntDuplicateB, lreCntDuplicateC, lreCntMultiA, lreCntMultiB, lreCntMultiC, lreCntOwnRxA, lreCntOwnRxB, lreNodesMacAddress, lreTimeLastSeenA, lreTimeLastSeenB, lreRemNodeType, lreProxyNodeMacAddress } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Objects in the default group" ::= {lreGroups 1} -- *********************************************************************** --===================================================================== -- MIB module Compliance statements --===================================================================== linkRedundancyCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER::= { linkRedundancyEntityConformance 2 } linkRedundancyCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Compliance for support by IEC 62439-3 module" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { lreDefaultGrp } ::= { linkRedundancyCompliances 1 } END